3 Vital Business Skills That Benefit Your Personal Life, Too

Managing a long to-do list can feel daunting, whether you’re in the office or at home. But a handful of task management skills translate well from corporate to household responsibilities, and you can perfect both for all-around successes from the ground up. Check out these three must-have business skills that benefit your personal life, too.
1. Mastering the Art of Management
Handling everything on your own might feel like the only way to do things the right way. But part of becoming an effective business owner is mastering the art of management, notes Meister. Delegating tasks to others can save you time and stress, plus free you up for tasks that require more effort and brainpower. In some cases, outsourcing also means achieving tasks you wouldn’t otherwise be able to accomplish. For example, soliciting web analytics services from a third party can provide necessary insight into your business.
Learning to delegate and manage others is a vital skill for business owners, but it’s also helpful in your personal life. Think about the last time you hovered while your kids were trying to cook dinner or when your partner attempted a task you typically oversee. Relinquishing some control is good for your mental health, and it means more downtime, too.
2. Perfecting Prioritization 101
There are only so many hours in the day, which means you can’t accomplish it all (even when enlisting outside help). Though you might want to check every item off your to-do list before 5 PM, learning to prioritize and organize your tasks can help you stress less and even get more done, highlights We Work.
Some professionals swear by chunking like tasks together — processing their must-do steps in batches — while others prefer to tackle the easiest tasks first. Figure out your strategy for prioritizing whatever is most urgent, especially when you’re handling a specific project (with a seat deadline). Get familiar with putting some things on the back burner when you’re in a fresher state of mind.
The same rule applies to your personal life, as well. Think about taking some time to cool off before responding during a heated discussion so you can prioritize a thoughtful answer rather than slinging an angry retort. Plan for household projects based on the order of need and learn to be okay with circling back to things — that is, maintaining an ever-evolving to-do list.
3. Be a Leader, Not a Boss
Parents will find this next business skill to be the most applicable to home life as well as office scenarios. Leadership may be a natural trait, but it’s also a process and a skill you need to hone. The unfortunate news is that the wrong leadership style — one that doesn’t fit your team or setting — can actually cause challenges in the workplace.
Make sure you’re approaching your managerial task-master duties as a leader, not a boss, for the best results. Remembering to relate to others, acknowledge their contributions and ideas, and lead by example are all winning traits of a true leader. That may mean handling some of the less desirable workplace tasks yourself.
And just like in the office, exhibiting true leadership at home means getting into the trenches to show your kids that managing the home is a family affair. Rather than making orders or listing off chores, rally the troops by making the home making a team effort. Motivating others can start at home, and that skill will translate into the workplace, too.
Getting everything done is the very definition of “task management,” and there’s no better feeling than making progress in work or your personal life. By honing these three task management skills, you’ll feel more confident tackling projects at work and navigating your personal responsibilities. Looking for more professional inspiration? Visit Stincelli Advisors for advice and insight.
Photo via Unsplash
Written by: Stephanie Haywood of mylifeboost.com