Category Archives: Leadership

Are You Showing Up Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally as a Leader?

Mirror“Showing up every day isn’t enough. There are a lot of guys who show up every day who shouldn’t have shown up at all.” —James Caan

Leadership isn’t about just being a warm body; it’s about showing up mentally, physically, and emotionally for your people. This is what makes you the type of leader that people follow willingly. So, are you showing up?


When you show up mentally for your employees, you invest yourself into developing them into the best that they can be. As a leader, you need to focus on effective training, developing a pleasant working environment, and showing employees that you value their contributions. When grow your employees, your ability to lead effectively will also grow.


When you show up physically for your employees, you do not look down on them from a lofty office; you roll up your sleeves and get out on the floor. Your front line employees need to see you in the trenches with them, gaining an understanding of what their tasks require and what works and doesn’t work. When employees see you out on the floor with them, not to judge or micromanage, but to learn and support, you will earn their trust and respect.


When you show up emotionally for your employees, you get to know each of them on an individual basis. You start caring about them both professionally and personally. You get to know their strengths, their weaknesses, their aspirations, and their fears. When you show up emotionally for your employees, you become a source of support, understanding, and encouragement for them.

How are You Showing Up?

Just showing up every day isn’t enough. In order to be an effective leader who inspires others to follow willingly, you must show up for your employees mentally, physically, and emotionally. Invest in their development, spend time out on the floor with them, and offer them support on an individual level. So, how are you showing up?



© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


Are You There for Your People?

sheep“Too many leaders act as if the sheep…their people… are there for the benefit of the shepherd, not that the shepherd has responsibility for the sheep.” —Ken Blanchard

Do your leadership behaviors tell your employees that you see them as a tool to achieve your own goals? Or, do they think you see them as an important part of the team? Are they there to serve you? Or, are you there to serve them? Effective leaders are a benefit to their employees. This benefit is not based on the perception of the leader; it is based on the perception of the employees. So, do your employees know you are there for them or do they think they are there just for you?


Trust is a two-way street. It’s not only important that your employees trust you to do what is in their best interest, but that you trust them. How does your behavior signal employees that you trust them? Leaders who trust their employees allow them to have control over their own work. They allow them to make decisions and take action without being micromanaged. When employees know that you trust them, they feel that you are there for them and they see your leadership as a benefit.


When you invest your time and resources in developing your employees it shows them that they are valued. We are drawn to people who want the best for us and are willing to invest their strengths in helping us achieve our goals. When you are willing to invest in your employees, helping them to become the best that they can be, you are demonstrating that you are there for them.


When you develop a sense of community employees feel like they belong. Community brings us together and motivates us to work toward the good of the whole. When employees know they are part of a community that you have created and support they feel safe and believe that you, as a leader, are there for them.

Be There

To be an effective leader your employees must know that you are there for them. When they know that your leadership is beneficial it gives you the power and influence you need to be a successful leader. If your employees feel that you see them only as a tool for accomplishing your own goals, they will close themselves off from you and your attempts to influence them will be ineffective. Develop mutual trust with your employees. Invest your time and resources into their development. And, develop the sense of community where employees know they are safe and part of something bigger than themselves. Let your people know that you are there for them.



© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


Three Keys to Connecting with Others

chain link“The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection.” —Robin S. Sharma

By Elizabeth Stincelli, DM


We need human connection in both our personal and our professional lives. Almost everything that is accomplished is made possible through relationships. Since it is nearly impossible to succeed all alone, here are three keys to really connecting with others.

Listen authentically

Developing a relationship requires communication. But, the key to connecting with others is the listening side of the communication equation. Listening shows others that you are truly interested in them and what they have to say. It shows respect and allows you to get to know them as individuals on a deeper level.

Engage authentically

When you engage with others you show interest in their lives, their work, their goals, and their dreams. When you engage authentically you find the commonalities that create a sense of community, a sense of connection. Engagement, like listening, shows interest; it allows all parties to get to know each other, to find shared interests, and collaborate to achieve great goals.

Care authentically

At the end of the day, connection comes down to caring about another person. Not caring about what they have to offer you; not caring about whom they know; not caring about what they do; it’s about caring authentically. When you care about others on an individual basis you open the door to real connection.

Connect Authentically

Great things can be accomplished when two or more individuals connect authentically. This deep connection creates relationships that are built on trust and respect. Learn to listen, engage, and care authentically; these are the behaviors that foster true connection.


© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


Go Beyond Leadership: Teach and Inspire

teach“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupery

By Elizabeth Stincelli, DM


No one wants to work, day in and day out, carrying out meaningless tasks that feed the passion and vision of someone else. People want to feel engaged in work that is meaningful to them, where they know they are adding value. When you focus on the task of leadership, you often alienate your employees. As a leader, you have a unique opportunity to step beyond leadership and become a teacher. When you serve your employees in a teaching role, you inspire and engage them. So, how can you step up your leadership to teach and inspire?

Offer challenge

Talented employees want to be challenged and engaged. They don’t want all the answers and every solution provided for them. They want the opportunity to identify problems, tackle issues, and make decisions related to their work for themselves. When you offer challenges to your employees, not only do you show that you trust them but, you make their work more exciting; when their work is more exciting they become more engaged; and, when they are engaged they are eager to learn new skills and gain new knowledge.

Provide meaning

Employees need to find meaning in their work. They need to know that their contribution is making a difference. This cannot be your meaning; work must be meaningful to employees on an individual basis. They need to see the big picture and understand the important role they play in that big picture. When employees feel that their work is meaningful, motivation switches from external to internal. Meaningful work provides inspiration, and inspiration motivates employees to put more effort into their performance. High performing employees are always looking for ways to develop and to learn which improves themselves, the team, and the organization.

Support growth

Employees want opportunities to grow. When you serve in the role of a teacher you invest your time and resources into helping others become the best they can be. Growth requires exposure to new experiences, continual training, opportunities to use new knowledge and skills, and the leeway to fail and learn from that failure. The more employees grow, the greater their potential for future growth and the greater their contribution to the organization.

Share vision

At the end of the day, successful leaders are the ones who effectively lay out their vision and then get employees to buy into that vision heart and soul. When you serve employees as a teacher and a mentor, you inspire them to make your vision their own. With a shared vision, employees become more dedicated, teams become more committed, and the organization thrives.

Teach and Inspire

Effective leadership goes beyond dictating and directing employees and tasks. It requires stepping beyond the traditional role of the transactional leader to that of a teacher. When you become a teacher and mentor who offers challenge, provides meaning, supports growth, and shares vision you inspire your employees. And, inspired employees will take pride in their work, they will respect the goals of the organization, and they will give 110% in pursuit of those goals.



© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


Take Your Leadership off Autopilot

autopilot off“Very often, human beings are living like on autopilot, reacting automatically with what happens. What interests me about the life of an explorer is you are in the unknown; you are out of your habits.” —Bertrand Piccard

By Elizabeth Stincelli, DM


Autopilot is about habit. It’s about operating based on habit rather than consciously responding to the situation and circumstances surrounding you. When you are in autopilot mode, it’s like you have blinders on; you miss many signs, symptoms, and opportunities. Autopilot plays a role in every area of our lives. It becomes particularly concerning when it starts to impact the behaviors of leaders. So, how can you take your leadership off autopilot?

Be curious

When you are curious you seek out the new, the unknown, the interesting. To the curious leader, the blinders of autopilot are too restrictive; they are thrown aside and exchanged for a new perspective of curiosity. Curiosity helps keep you from operating out of habit.

Be present

When you are present you pay attention to the details of what is happening here and now. When you pay attention your autopilot is shut down. Being present as a leader keeps your focus on what is happening and this laser focus helps prevent you from unconsciously falling into your ordinary habits.

Be engaged

When you are engaged, you are actively participating. Active participation turns off autopilot. It boosts the energy and excitement in which you approach your leadership. When you are engaged it’s much easier to act purposefully rather than out of habit.

Break the Habit

Step out of your habits and into the unknown. Take off the blinders and start being curious. Become focused and present. Be engaged, becoming an active participant in your leadership. It’s time to break the habit and take your leadership off autopilot.


© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


Are You Checking in or Checking Out?

checklist 2


A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. – John Maxwell



Employee engagement is as vital to your success as a leader as ever. When a Gallup survey reports that only 30 percent of U.S. employees are engaged in their work what do you think that says about leadership engagement?

The question we would like to pose to you is simply this: are you checking in or checking out as a leader in the way you engage your people? Your answer matters because in it reside signals not just to your leadership style but to the health of your organization.

Here are a series of questions we would like to pose to you for your consideration; a check-up if you will as to your engagement levels with your people and the state of your leadership effectiveness.

Do you know your employees on an individual basis?

Like any smart leader in business you make it a priority to know your customer. Knowing your target audience is critical to your bottom line. If it is important to you to know your customer does it not stand to reason that you should know the people serving your customer?

When you don’t take the time to get to know your employees on an individual basis, it clearly shows that you don’t care. How hard will an employee work for a leader who does not care? You will not get anywhere near the productivity or quality you need from employees if you do not show that you care about their well-being.

Check-In Tip: Get to know your employees on an individual basis. How are their families? What are their hobbies? How was their recent vacation?

Do you know what is happening on the ground level?

One of the dangers leaders can find themselves in is being too far removed from the front lines of the operation. We understand that the responsibilities you face as a leader in part take you away from the front lines so it must be a priority for you to return.

There is no way for you to know everything; when you distance yourself from what is happening on the ground level it’s like putting blinders on. What issues might slip by you? What opportunities might you miss?

Check-In Tip: Get out on the floor; make your presence the norm. Be observant and engaged with what is happening on the ground level.

Do you have the right people in the right positions?

Your effectiveness as an organization is realized not when you have a lot of people but when you have the right people in the right place. When people play to their strengths and are passionate about what they do then your organization will excel.

None of your employees want to be just a warm body, and most of your tasks require some form of specialized knowledge or skill. When you give little thought to where employees can make the greatest contribution to the organization, you are crippling your operations and minimizing the importance of individual contributions.

Check-In Tip: Learn where your employees’ strengths lie. Then place them in positions where they will be engaged and challenged while making the greatest contribution to the organization.

Can your employees count on you?

The people in your organization need to know that you are a leader who is reliable and will have their backs. You foster trust and earn respect not merely by your words but in your day-to-day actions that demonstrate your commitment to their success.

If your employees don’t feel they can count on you, we’d be willing to bet that they won’t go out of their way to be there for you either. If you send the message to your employees that it’s every man for himself, be prepared to be left standing on your own.

Check-In Tip: Show your employees that you have their backs; knowing that they can count on you is a key factor in gaining the trust and respect you need to be an effective leader.

So, are you checking in or are you checking out? As a leader, you are setting the example for employees to follow. If you are not connecting with your employees and engaging in operations at the ground level, your employees will follow suit. And, disengaged employees do not reflect well on any leader and do not benefit the organization as a whole.


© 2016 Liz Stincelli and Doug Dickerson


810_1736Liz Stincelli is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. She holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership. Learn more about Liz by visiting her website:


dougDoug Dickerson is an internationally recognized leadership speaker, columnist, and author. He is a contributor for The Las Vegas Tribune, Executive Secretary Magazine, Realizing Leadership magazine, and  The Daniel Island News to name a few. Read more at:

Five Characteristics of a Level-Headed Leader

file000972749236“Don’t find fault, find a remedy.” —Henry Ford

By Elizabeth Stincelli, DM


Employees want to follow a leader who is consistent and level-headed. If your leadership makes your employees feel like they are on a rollercoaster ride, it’s time to level things off. Your role as a leader is to remove obstacles that prevent employees from doing their jobs; then, get out of their way and let them do the job they were hired to do. Here are five characteristics of level-headed leadership.


A level-headed leader is first, and foremost, consistent. Their leadership and decision making does not rise and fall with their mood. Their treatment of employees does not change based on position in the organization, the team they work with, or personal opinions. Employees know what to expect from level-headed leaders whether it be on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This consistency helps employees feel comfortable in their positions and builds trust in their leader.

Sees the perspectives of others

A level-headed leader is able to see things from the perspectives of employees, clients, and suppliers. They take a stance of curiosity, taking notice not of their own opinions, but of the thoughts, actions, and motives of others. These leaders explain what needs to be done but then they let their employees determine how it gets done. They are not looking to find fault in others; they use their ability to see situations from different perspectives to help their employees become their own problem solvers.

Seeks solutions

Level-headed leadership is not about finding someone to blame; their sole focus is on finding solutions. They use their power of objective observation to provide constructive input and resources that help employees find remedies to issues they encounter. Level-headed leaders rely on employees working throughout the organization to identify issues and propose solutions. These leaders know that the employees who actually perform the tasks are in the best position to advise leaders on actions that need to be taken.

Recognizes own weaknesses

Level-headed leaders know that they can’t be the best at everything. They recognize where they are weak and where others are strong; they then surround themselves with the right people in the right positions. They delegate tasks that are outside of their own strengths. And, they support their employees in the positions where they are placed in instead of looking for opportunities to criticize and find fault.

Understands the importance of teamwork

Level-headed leaders know that no one succeeds on their own; it takes teamwork. When team members work together in a consistent and inspiring environment, the results they achieve exceed the total results possible from individual contributions. Effective teams work together to solve problems rather than pointing fingers and assigning blame. These leaders set the example and lay the foundation for the development of strong, collaborative teams.

Level-Headed Leadership

A level-headed leader is consistent. They can see things from the perspectives of others. They seek solutions rather than looking to place blame. They recognize their own weaknesses. And, they understand the importance of teamwork. The job of a leader is to provide resources, place employees in the right roles, and remove obstacles to productivity. Then, a level-headed leader gets out of the way and lets employees do their work, their way.



© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


Boots on the Ground Leadership




“There comes a time when what is needed is not just rhetoric, but boots on the ground.” —Baldwin Spencer

By Elizabeth Stincelli, DM


The Utah Jazz played their last home, regular season basketball game against the Dallas Mavericks this year. It was a must-win game for both teams. A win by the Mavericks would place them in the playoffs; a win by the Jazz would keep their playoff dreams alive. I was lucky enough to be sitting in the 2nd row behind the Mavericks. I wasn’t lucky because I am such a big basketball fan, I was lucky because I got an unobstructed view of boots-on-the-ground leadership.

When I first took my seat, I looked up and there he was, Mark Cuban, standing right in front of me. After all the articles and books I had read, podcasts and interviews I had listened to on this successful business man, author, “Shark Tank” investor, philanthropist, and Dallas Mavericks owner, here he was, just feet away. I was surprised and impressed. Here was a man worth 3 billion dollars in 2015 according to “Forbes”, a man with countless balls in the air at once, yet, what was Mark Cuban’s priority on that night? There he was, in Salt Lake City, with his team.

What an incredible example of leadership. Not up-in-a-luxury-box leadership looking down on his team; but, boots-on-the-ground leadership sitting right behind his team. Watching Mark Cuban supporting his team, a team he actually owns, inspired me. That is the type of leader we need in our organizations, leaders who do not observe from a distance in their luxury suites but who join their teams, on the floor, right in the thick of things. So, how can you and your team benefit from boots-on-the-ground leadership?

Understand needs

When you are on the floor with your team you see their needs first hand. How do they accomplish their work? Are there resource that would help them do their jobs better? Do they work well as a team? What might help them work together better? Are they satisfied with the work they do? What would make their work more meaningful? This is the kind of information you can only get from spending time on the floor with your employees. I’m sure that Mark Cuban has a much better understanding of the needs of his team because he has spent time on the floor with them.

Be visible

In order to be an effective leader, you must be visible. You can’t lead like the wizard from Oz from behind a curtain; your team must see you, they must know you, and you must know them. Being visible shows employees that you are interested in them as individuals, that you care about what is happening on the floor, and that you don’t place yourself on a pedestal above them. If Mark Cuban being visible on the floor with his team inspired me as an outside observer, I can only imagine what an impact his visibility has on his team.

Understand the differences

Every employee is different, each team operates differently, and every situation is unique. Each team member has something unique to offer, each team has a distinctive approach to achieving goals, and every situation requires an innovative solution. When you spend your time on the floor with your employees you learn to understand these differences. And, it’s only through understanding the differences that you can learn to use them to the team’s advantage. The Mavericks are made up of players with different skill sets, a coaching staff and trainers with differing experience, and each team they play offers a different set of challenges. Only a boots-on-the-ground leader can really learn to understand and utilized these differences to the team’s advantage.

Recognize the strengths

Once you understand the different skill sets and knowledge that your team members possess you can start to see where their individual strengths lie. Then you can determine how can you help them build on their strengths. As a leader, you want the right people in the right positions. Get out on the floor, see who is strong where, and get employees working on tasks where their strengths give them a great advantage. Every player who is a member of the Mavericks team has a strength, something they excel in. By being on the floor, as a leader, you get a better perspective on who is strong where so you can play the right player in the right position.

Build relationships

Last, but certainly not least, boots-on-the-ground leadership builds the strong, trusting relationships that are the foundation of all successful leadership. Everyone has the need to feel safe, to feel that they belong, and to know they are part of something important. Spending time on the floor with your employees builds a sense of community, a community that you are part of. Community builds the trusting, strong relationships that you need if you are going to have the influence of a leader. I can guarantee that Mark Cuban has a much strong relationship with the members of his team because he is on the floor, in the trenches with them rather than watching them from afar.

Show that You are Part of the Team

Mark Cuban said, “The key is having great players. But there are a lot of teams that have All-Stars and haven’t been able to put it together.” The key might be having great players but without great, boots-on-the-ground leadership great players fail to put it together.

The Mavericks ended up beating the Jazz 101-92 that night. What separates great leaders from average ones is not position or rank, it’s all in the attitude of the leader. Boots-on-the-ground leaders show that they are part of the team. They are right there, sitting on the floor behind their team showing support; now that is how you gain powerful influence as a leader.

Get out on the floor; learn what the needs of your employees are. Be visible. Learn to understand the differences. What make each employee unique? Recognize and put the strengths of your employees to use in the positions that they are best suited for. And, build strong relationships with employees that are based on trust. I saw Mark Cuban as a great example of boots-on-the-ground leadership that night in Salt Lake City. Now it’s your turn; get out on the floor and show that you are part of the team!



© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


What Impact is Your Bias Having on Your Leadership?

Xray 300ppi“My point is that perceptual bias can affect nut jobs and scientists alike. If we hold too rigidly to what we think we know, we ignore or avoid evidence of anything that might change our mind.” —Martha Beck

By Elizabeth Stincelli, DM


Martha Beck makes a great point in the above quote; this rigid thinking results in the biases that prevent us from considering anything that goes against what we think we already know. As a leader, your biases not only impact you on a personal level, but your employees, your teams, and your organization as a whole. Take a moment and consider what impact your bias might be having on your leadership.

Content with the status quo

When we think we know everything it’s very easy to become content with the status quo. If things should be done differently, we, of course, in our ultimate wisdom would have already made the necessary changes. Becoming content with the status quo can be a death sentence for any organization competing in a quick, innovative market. Never allow your own rigid, biased thinking result in becoming content with the status quo.

Tunnel vision

Your biases can taint your view of current situations and issues; biases often result in tunnel vision. When you have tunnel vision, not only are you unable to see the big picture or events happening outside of your perceptual view, but you might not even see the obstacles standing in your way. Do not allow your biases to cause you to develop tunnel vision.

Sunk cost conundrum

Getting stuck in the sunk cost conundrum can stem from your refusal to admit that something you once stood behind is not working or to give up on a pet project. Once you choose to stand behind something, your biases can prevent you from admitting that you would have made different decisions if you knew then what you know now. Never let your biases suck you further into the sunk cost conundrum.

Fear of losing control

It’s common for leaders to fear losing control. This fear exacerbates the problem of biased thinking. The fear of losing control feeds into our refusal to question the status quo, to develop tunnel vision, and to get stuck in the sunk cost conundrum. Learn that admitting that you were wrong or that you do not have all the answers actually gives you power rather than taking it away. When you are real with your employees, not only do you earn their respect and trust, but you open yourself up to benefiting from their knowledge and experience. Don’t let your biased thinking to cause you to fear losing control.

Stop Impacting Your Leadership

Martha Beck’s quote is worth repeating, “If we hold too rigidly to what we think we know, we ignore or avoid evidence of anything that might change our mind.” As a leader, your effectiveness is dependent on your ability to see and consider evidence that you need to question the status quo, eliminate your tunnel vision, take the sunk cost hit, and stop fearing the loss of control. Stop allowing your biased thinking to impact your leadership.



© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at


Four Tips for Becoming a More Balanced Leader

IMGP1081“The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” —Ray Kroc

By Elizabeth Stincelli, DM


The standards you set for yourself, as a leader, will either result in leadership that is balanced, or leadership that is ineffective and awkward. Employees can quickly see through false motives and inauthentic behavior. Here are four tips for becoming a more balanced leader.

Confidence vs. humility

As a leader, you must find a balance between confidence and humility. Employees need to know they are following a competent leader, one who can stand with confidence in the face of challenges. On the other hand, they will never be inspired by arrogance. Balanced leadership requires you to show humility, that you do not see yourself as better than, or as more worthy than your employees while still being confident.

Trust vs. distrust

As a leader, you must develop mutually trusting relationships. Employees must know you trust their ability to complete tasks in their own way and make decisions. They must also know that they can trust you to look out for their best interests. Distrust, whether perceived or real, on the part of either party corrodes relationships, teams, morale, and the ability to influence. Balanced leadership requires you to manage not only the relationships you build, but also employees’ perceptions of trust.

Curiosity vs. judgment

No one individual knows everything. As a leader, you must learn to be curious. What do your employees know that you don’t? What are you missing when you look at a situation or try to resolve a problem? When you judge you are letting your ego stand in the way of being open to the idea that you might not know everything. Stop assuming you have all the answers and encourage your employees to help you see the world through the lens of their experiences and knowledge. Balanced leadership requires you to have the ability to make judgment calls when necessary but to remain open and curious about what you might not know.

You vs. them

The most important thing for you to remember, as a leader, is that it’s not about you. It’s about the relationships and partnerships you develop with employees, clients, and vendors. These relationships are based, not on you, but on focusing on them as individuals. Brag about your people; make them the heroes of the story. Balanced leadership requires you to recognize the responsibility that falls on you, but to also know that your leadership focus is not about you, but about those you lead and collaborate with.

Balanced Leadership

Balanced leadership requires that you balance much needed confidence with the humility that allows you to inspire others. It’s about developing trust while eliminating even the perception of distrust. It requires embracing curiosity while limiting judgment in situations where employees may have more knowledge than you. And, most of all, it’s about putting the focus on those you lead instead of yourself. Take the time to evaluate your leadership and work on becoming a more balanced leader.



© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


Liz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at